What Goes Around Comes Around?

My aunt thought she had someone for me, yet again. 


  • teacher
  • lives on his own near Etobicoke
  • Christian
  • few years older than me

While I was speaking with him something felt familiar. I continued to speak with him and I knew who he was. I asked him some questions pertaining to him.... He turned out to be Super Christian - Not a Match. I knew this wasn't going to work out. But I suggested we meet to appease our parents. He said, 'I remember you, we didn't work out because you were lost in faith" .... yeah.. that was the reason.. I told my mom that I had already met with him and that it didn't work out. She thought because he had a new job teaching that things would work out. 

He still helps his parent's at the store, but he just started teaching. We decided to meet at the Starbucks near my place. Funny, when we first met it was at a Stabucks near my place when I lived Downtown Toronto.

We grabbed coffee and walked around the block 4 times.. He doesn't drink coffee or tea, he drinks hot chocolate. Seriously how old are you? Please just drink water. I remember he mentioned how he took comedy classes and that came up. He continuously goes in hopes to be a comedian as a side hustle. I understand that.. I think I am funny.. But that's the difference, I am funny, he is not. You need some what of an outgoing personality and needs to be engaging. This dude is boring!! He wants to bring awareness to North Korea. Who needs awareness? People know about North Korea and the dictatorship and the communiusm.. He was advised, in order to do this, the delivery should be like Sacha Baron Cohen's character The Dictator. Difference, Sacha Baron Cohen is engaging and charasmatic; this guy is not. 

Honestly, he seems like a nice guy and second time around it just confirmed that it would not work out between him and I. Good luck to him. Maybe the third time is the charm.


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