Super Christian - Not a match

So, my aunt, I guess she is still asking around to see if any of her friend's friend have a single son.

My parent took me out to dinner one day and told me that my aunt may have found someone for me. They told me, there is a guy, who is balding, I stopped them right then and there. I asked them if he was balding OR if his hair was receding. They changed their answer to receding, I should have gone with my gut instinct, that he was actually balding and my parents changed their answer to receding hairline because they knew hair is important to me.

Anyways, fast forward the guy emailed me. He seemed to be very polite, he seemed pretty cool.

  • Second Generation Korean
  • Graduated from Western in Business
  • 38 years old
  • Super Christian, went to LA to see a speaker
  • Owns a own business (health food store, I think taking over from parents)
We like the same Tupac quote, I thought we were meant to me. I actually had high hopes for this guy. 

I was a little late, to the date, I saw him in the Starbucks line waiting for my coffee he had ordered. All I can think about was wow, this guy is bald, NOT receding hair line. After speaking to him for a bit, I can understand why he worked in a store and not in a fast pace office. He seemed very nice, but I felt like he was a little slow. Meaning it took him a bit to process what I was saying, I had to keep explaining or he would want me to expand on topics that didn't need any expansion in.

Example: Why did I leave my church? I told him I had a falling out when I was in University. He asked me why I attended that church and I told him it was because my parents got married in that church. Then he kept asking me what my church life was like in university, what it was like in high school? I understand he is trying to get to know me, but I didn't want to talk about it. I also understand Christianity and going to church is an important aspect of his life, but unfortunately it is not mine. I do want to go to church, but I do not make it priority. 

I did really enjoy emailing him, but I think writing emails does not translate into good conversation. He couldn't for some reason fathom that I took a TTC street car from Long Branch (he didn't know where that was, growing up in Etobicoke, I don't know how he doesn't know) to Queen St. The thing that boggles my mind is that, that streetcar goes past his store. 

He also mentioned that he was going to Morocco, he mentioned a city, that I wasn't familiar with. I told him, I only knew Marrakech and Casablanca. He was so confused, telling me Casablanca was a movie. I told him, I knew that, although I haven't seen the movie, I think that's where it was taken place. He kept insisting it was a city.

I just found him a little odd. I a little socially awkward, not in an endearing way. This was probably the first date where the date ended in less than an hour. Thank GOD for Starbucks closing and me having to go back to work.

I am going away in few weeks, with the holidays coming up, I think I am going to put dating on hold. 2019 will be my year!! Wish me luck!!!


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