
Showing posts from September, 2015

Finally!! It Is Done...

So.. I said I had something juicy.. My juicy story is that I lent Kangta money and he hadn't paid me back. Soo... I sued him! The day when I told him it was over I gave him 3 days to pay me back. A week later, no response, I took legal action. So, at the end of March I started the proceedings. No one knew except for my coworker who gets the play by play of my life whether she likes it or not. Only a few of my tier 1 friends know, but it is something I kept to myself. The day before my court date he calls and had the audacity to tell me he was going to make a partial payment today (Wednesday) and the rest on Friday and to trust him. For what he had put me through since March, I was NOT going to back down or show an ounce of compassion. Long story short he gave me the money in FULL!! I had to talk to him regarding closing the case now.. He had asked me to call him. I did.. He said he takes full responsibility, and that he's not even mad or upset that I did this. H...