Don’t Talk Shop If You’re Going To Talk Shit!
I went out with my friend Kelly, who is a school teacher for drinks on a Friday night around Liberty Village. We were having our girls night, we weren’t there to pick up guys or anything. It was just a new place to check out. Closer to 11:30pm these two guys walk up to us. One was a shorter Indian looking guy and the other was a fairly tall white guy. We started talking and the Indian guy kept talking to Kelly. Kelly introduced herself first and the white guy asked me, “what is her name? Pelly? How do you spell that?” and I said, “No! Kelly! K-E-L-L-Y”. He introduced himself as Chris, and we will call his little Indian friend Josh. Things were going ok until we started talking about what we did. I told him I was an Executive Assistant at a financial institution. He said we both looked like the type of person who works for a bank. I corrected him and told him Kelly was a teacher. He went onto telling me how his ex-gf is an executive assistant and worked for companies...