Douche Dressed As A Nice Guy!!

So, off Tinder I was talking to a really nice guy. Older, good job lived in the city. Great conversation the night before.

The next day I was working late and I thought, Hey! This guy lives in the city and I have a taxi chit why don't I meet him for dinner and drinks? During our Tinder conversation, we were just talking about work and ourselves. So, I ask him that night if he wanted to meet. He said sure. He was the first guy I have ever met on Tinder/Online/This was my first blind date set up by me!

I met him down the street from where I work. He was late, but I forgave him seeing so he lives on the other side of Downtown. He said it was going to be worth while. When he gets there he gives me 2 CD's. He burned a CD for me.. At that point I was trying to determine whether that was weird or sweet. I mean, who listens to CD's these days? All our songs are on our phones or IPODs..

Anyways, I ordered wine while waiting for him. When he arrived we were just talking shop, his work, my work.. blah blah blah.. We order dinner and I order another glass of wine. He drinks diet coke. After I finish my wine I order another (yes I drink a lot of wine!), but he keeps ordering diet coke.

Then we start talking about personal things and he asks me what I'm good at... I told him, I don't know I guess I'm a hard worker?! I have ambition.. and he kept asking me what else.. I told him I didn't know what he was asking.. Then I realized and asked... "Are you talking about sex?" He then told me I'm the one who brought up the subject and I said no.. He's the one who left the door ajar and I just opened it. He admitted to his trap. He bluntly says, "look I am attracted to you, you're probably attracted to me because you're still sitting here.. How about we go back to my place to have some fun?" I was so sooo shocked! He knew this was my first time meeting someone offline. I told him I thought he was different. Just because I had 2.5 glasses of wine didn't mean I was going to go home with him. At that point he started to order double rum and diet coke, I guess he knew alcohol would affect his performance!?

Best part was when the bill came. I did the whole reach for my purse thing, but then realized he wasn't going to pay for me because I wasn't going to put out. So, as I was calculating my portion, he told me I got quiet all of a sudden. I told him why and he says, "I can pay for you if you want!?" Like buddy!! NO!!!! I can pay for myself thank you! Just cause I'm Asian doesn't mean I can do math that quickly in my head.

Don't be fooled ladies, there are creepos dressed as nice guys!

Guys! If you are a douche, please be up front about it.. Girls don't have time!


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